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Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1.36

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Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1.36 News ETS2 Total views: 18 260

Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1.36

Road to the Black Sea is approaching fast so it's time to close the Beta and move on to the next best thing! 
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Update 1.36 is out now!

As always, we'd like to thank every single one of you for all your help with your bug reports, 
opinions and general feedback during the Public Beta. This time, the update brings probably 
the biggest system change we have ever implemented, together with some nice features.

The main feature is the upgrade to DirectX 11, which allowed the complete removal of support for
DirectX 9 and all its limitations. While it may need a little tweak here and there, general feedback 
is very positive (FPS increase, smoother gameplay, better long-range LOD behaviours) as we hoped, 
since listed minimum requirements for Windows already support DX11.

And to spice things up a bit (as "invisible" changes aren't as appreciated as they should be),
there are two bigger features and a number of smaller ones.

Corsica, a beautiful island in the Mediterranean is now available to all existing and future owners
of the Vive la France! map expansion as a free addition.

Detours are also coming to Euro Truck Simulator 2 after a long testing period in its American twin
Do tell us if it's ok as it is, or what adjustments you'd like us to make still.

Besides that, you'll get a number of other nice features - such as a long-requested feature for drivers,
 trucks and trailers to be visible on the manager map, avoidance pins for your GPS and more. 
For those wishing to see a more detailed changelog, please read the Public Beta article, or check out our changelog video!  

To enjoy the 1.36 update, make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches and your game will be automatically updated on Steam.

For the legacy non-Steam edition of ETS2, the update should be ready in a few days.

Some mods, however, may have not caught up yet - this update may effectively break them. 
So remember that you can always stay on 1.35 or an even older branch. 
The way to access and select them is: Steam client → LIBRARY → right-click on Euro Truck Simulator 2 → 
Properties → Betas tab → select the version you want.

Also, check our modding wiki to get details pertaining to mods for the game.

Changelog ETS2 1.36:

- Corsica (Vive la France! DLC)

- Detours
- Avoidance navigation pins
- New AI vehicles- Drivers / Trucks / Trailer visible on manager maps
- DX11 full support (DX9 removed)
- Chinese and other non
-Latin character input (IME)
- Anti-aliasing improvements (SMAA, electrical wires)

- Sun profile changes (HDR)
- LP changes for AI (data-driven types, background texture data)
- Dash display UI elements (digital gauges, fuel consumption bar)
- Map editor history (undo/redo)
- Continuous selection of nodes 

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