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Pink Ribbon Charity Pack Skins for ETS2

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Pink Ribbon Charity Pack Skins for ETS2 News ETS2 Total views: 2 790

Pink ribbons, and the colour pink in general, are most commonly seen during the (International) Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual health campaign organised by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness and raise funds to fight the disease.

Pink Ribbon Charity Pack Skins for ETS2

Inspired by truck manufacturers and truckers from around the world, this October we are proud to be joining the Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness campaign! We’re asking the community to join us in supporting this great cause by delivering Pink Ribbon goods across Europe and the USA in our international Pink Ribbon Charity World of Trucks event.

To further help spread the word, we've created our very own Pink Ribbon Charity Pack DLC for this event. We will be donating 100% of our Pink Ribbon Charity Pack DLC proceeds to reputable Breast Cancer research and awareness charities, starting with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and the Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer. We hope that the list of charities we contribute to will grow as we collect more money over time.

We look forward to seeing your screenshots and videos of you supporting this special charity event. In whatever way you are participating, make sure to tag us and use the hashtag #PinkMyTruck across our social media platforms (TwitterInstagramFacebook)

You can also join us for a very special charity stream which will be broadcasted LIVE on Twitch and Steam with SCS team members, Alex (LondonLad) and Gavin from 15:00 UTC (17:00 CEST) who will be participating with jobs from the event!


Using external contracts, in Euro Truck Simulator 2, American Truck Simulator or both games, using a World of Trucks-connected profile, the community is to complete a combined total of 1,000,000 deliveries of Pink Ribbon goods using the provided Pink Ribbon trailer.

When a player contributes a combined total 12 or more deliveries of Pink Ribbon goods, drivers will complete their personal goal.

The event will be concluded on Sunday the 20th of October at 23:59 UTC.


Personal goal: Individual player contributions of 12 or more deliveries of Pink Ribbon goods will reward you with a personal World of Trucks Achievement and a unique pair of Pink-Ribbon embossed hanging Boxing Gloves as a Steam inventory item for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.

Community goal: Once the community goal of 1,000,000 deliveries of Rink Ribbon goods is met, and if you have also achieved your Personal goal, you will also will receive an attractive pair of Pink-Ribbon-styled hanging Winning Dice as a Steam inventory item for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.

Let's work together and support breast cancer awareness in the virtual world, just as it has already been and will continue to be done in the real world, as truckers everywhere, as one!

Pink Ribbon Charity Pack Skins for ETS2
Pink Ribbon Charity Pack Skins for ETS2
Pink Ribbon Charity Pack Skins for ETS2
Pink Ribbon Charity Pack Skins for ETS2
Pink Ribbon Charity Pack Skins for ETS2
Pink Ribbon Charity Pack Skins for ETS2
Pink Ribbon Charity Pack Skins for ETS2
Pink Ribbon Charity Pack Skins for ETS2

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  1. Андрей Андрей22 March 2025 00:53 Уважаемый автор к сожалению в скаченном архиве нет файла с... Real Trailer Tyres Mod v1.8 by galimim (1.53.x) for ETS2
  1. артем артем20 March 2025 11:17 ПАЦАНЫ МОД РЕАЛЬНО РАБОЧИЙ РЕКОМЕНДУЮ   ... No Damage Mod v1.9 by ALEXD (1.49.x) for ETS2
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