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Improved Company Trucks v1.1

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Improved Company Trucks v1.1 Version game: 1.20.x Total views: 3 350
Category: Other mods ETS 2
Version Game: 1.20.x
Credits: AlexeyP

Improved Company Trucks v1.1


Complete list of changes:
-Now you have almost four hundred variants of quick job trucks (default game has 49 and Quick jobs tuned truck mod by Pendragon has 58) to select from;
-Every truck now have something like 30 ±5 unique combinations;
-Both Right\Left hand drive variants of trucks;
-Every truck now has its own technical condition, so if you take a job you will not know for sure, will you get slightly used truck or a complete garbage on the wheels. No shiny new trucks anymore! ;);
-All variants of chassis, cabins, interiors, now used in quick job trucks. Also almost all engines (even lowpowered) are represented, not only highpowered ones;
-Trucks also differ by installed accessories: front and bottom grills, wheels, sunshields, xenon\standard lights, mirrors\front mirrors, doorhandles, sideskirts and doorsteps. But you will not see any "christmas tree" trucks with tons of lamps on them;
-Correct badges, based on engine\chassis type;
-Reworked truck paint system. Trucks will use not only standard paints, but mettallic too. Also, you can see some paintjobs like Grand Tour, Sunrise and few others. Some trucks like Streamline, DAF Euro6 and both Renaults will use their own factory paintjobs;
-Added ~110 new color variants for ai\quick job trucks and ai cars. Used RAL colortable;
-All trucks now have working interior lights (credits to Alang7 for his wonderful mod);
-All trucks without integrated GPS in their interiors will have TomTom navigators installed. Big thanks to Schumi for his mod;
-Hardcored UI: virtual mirrors was removed and advisor lost some functions - from now on, it will not show you: map, time, ETA, speed, gear, damage, fuel level. But you still can view delivery details, read mail and call for a service;
-Icons of service stations, gas stations, recruit agencies, rest places and undiscovered places was removed from the map as a part of increased realism;
-You will not know what chassis truck will have before you actually take a job (camera shows only front of truck).
Few words about compatibility. Mod was tested on versions 1.20.1 and 1.21 beta and works without issues. Should work on previous versions too. You can use it with map mods (tested sucessfully on Pro Mods+Poland Rebuilding+RusMap combination), but give this mod higher priority.
Truck mods will work too, but give them higher priority, than this mod.

Known bugs:
-obsolete flare data definiton error in console. Related to interior lighs mod;
-redundant front\rear wheel removed error. Dunno, why it showes up. Doublechecked front and rear wheel definition files;
-incorrect front\rear wheel definition error. Same here.
This errors will not affect gameplay and will not lead to game crash.


Distribute free, but please keep original download links!

Improved Company Trucks v1.1 Improved Company Trucks v1.1 Improved Company Trucks v1.1

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
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    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Improved Company Trucks v1.1»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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