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Thaco Foton Auman Truck + Interior v1.0 by Thalken

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Thaco Foton Auman Truck + Interior v1.0 by Thalken Version game: 1.18.x Total views: 7 187
Category: Other Trucks
Version Game: 1.18.x
Credits: Thalken

Info Truck: In 2012, an important milestone in the cooperation process between the heavy truck manufacturer Foton and Daimler - renowned automobile group in the world of German (parent company of Mercedes), with the advent of Foton joint venture company - Daimler and the technology heavy truck production under worldwide standards for giving Auman a new level. Auman was produced on advanced technology lines, with 85% of the work is managed by the method of digitization, use stamping technology 3D seismic, drilling multidimensional chassis high accuracy, increase load capacity for framing Rib. Products launched to over 36 quality checks of Daimler, all stages of technical inspection, testing, technical director are run by German experts undertook. In 2012, Auman was assessed ECE standards - European standards for safety of automobiles. Well this time, Auman contest in Taklimakan Desert Wildlife Vietnam with distance 4000km race and win the title of "no incidents in the whole journey."

On the basis of the outstanding features of heavy truck Auman German technology, European standards by Venture Foton - Daimler (Germany) production, THACO continue research and development, in order to bring our customers the more suitable products, bringing greater economic value. One of these products is considered the breakthrough in the development of products suited to the conditions of use in Vietnam is Thaco Auman C1790-W380 (17.9 ton payload) with many remarkable features.


Info ETS 2: Here is a new model of truck for ETS 2 game named Thaco Foton Auman which have own interior, sound and support skins. Since the model is interesting, I am going to register independent


Author: Thalken

Replaces: DAF XF.

Tested on: 1.16 - 1.18



Thaco Foton Auman Truck + Interior v1.0 by Thalken Thaco Foton Auman Truck + Interior v1.0 by Thalken Thaco Foton Auman Truck + Interior v1.0 by Thalken Thaco Foton Auman Truck + Interior v1.0 by Thalken Thaco Foton Auman Truck + Interior v1.0 by Thalken Thaco Foton Auman Truck + Interior v1.0 by Thalken Thaco Foton Auman Truck + Interior v1.0 by Thalken

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Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Thaco Foton Auman Truck + Interior v1.0 by Thalken»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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