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Nordic Horizons DLC: Forests in Euro Truck Simulator 2

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Nordic Horizons DLC: Forests in Euro Truck Simulator 2 News ETS2 Total views: 289

Great news from SCS Software presenting ,,Forests" from the new upcoming ,,Nordic Horizon DLC" map expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2 game.

The Nordic forests of Norway, Sweden, and Finland are some of Europe's most beautiful and ecologically rich areas. Today we're happy to share with you a look at some of the forests that have been virtually implemented in our upcoming Nordic Horizons DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2! Be-leaf us, you're going to enjoy this blog.

The northern regions of Finland, Sweden, and Norway all share similar forest biomes. However, when traveling from the south to the most northern areas of these regions, you'll be able to spot some differences in how these forests have grown.

In the northernmost areas of the region, the forests are characterized by their sparse, open landscapes. The colder temperatures and shorter growing seasons limit tree height and density, resulting in trees that grow more slowly and can often live for many years. 

Nordic Horizons DLC: Forests in Euro Truck Simulator 2Nordic Horizons DLC: Forests in Euro Truck Simulator 2Nordic Horizons DLC: Forests in Euro Truck Simulator 2Nordic Horizons DLC: Forests in Euro Truck Simulator 2Nordic Horizons DLC: Forests in Euro Truck Simulator 2Nordic Horizons DLC: Forests in Euro Truck Simulator 2Nordic Horizons DLC: Forests in Euro Truck Simulator 2Nordic Horizons DLC: Forests in Euro Truck Simulator 2Nordic Horizons DLC: Forests in Euro Truck Simulator 2

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