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1000th Blog Post Anniversary by SCS Software

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1000th Blog Post Anniversary by SCS Software News ETS2 Total views: 749

I would like to celebrate an anniversary with you today. Back in 2010, I started this blog as a way to keep the community updated and to quote the very first post - "to post screenshots of games under development, share behind the scenes information, and point out interesting places on the net related to SCS Software's games."

Frankly, I was not fully aware of what kind of commitment I had created for me and eventually for a small team here at SCS. Initially started as a small one-man show done on the side in the evenings, today each blog post occupies several people to iterate on screenshots or videos, draft, review, and cross-check the text across our teams to make sure we are not forgetting anything, and to format it for publication across several online platforms. It's a labor of love and we enjoy the interaction with our games' fanbase very much.

This little blog has been growing over the years. We are regularly reaching over a million page views per month, and we have already passed the massive milestone of over one hundred million page views total.

1000th Blog Post Anniversary by SCS SoftwareThis is far from the complete picture, while the blog is our oldest communication platform, the newer kids on the social media block are incredibly strong, too. While most of our content originates on the blog to be adapted for reposting, there are actually even more readers on our SCS SoftwareETS2 Facebook, and ATS Facebook pages. Our Twitter is at almost 100K followers, 150K followers on Instagram, and a huge number of people are reading the news via Steam community updates. Our YouTube channel has close to a quarter-million subscribers, and we are looking to establish yet more presence online on platforms like Twitch and Weibo, all the time still being active on our forums.

Boasting these numbers is not mere vanity. When talking to industrial partners, having a strong online presence is immensely useful. It is the best proof of the relevance of our simulation games in the eyes of marketing departments of vehicle manufacturers, helping us a ton in winning their support when we approach their licensing departments. That's why we are constantly trying to attract more of our players to follow us and subscribe to the various sites. We have even started using a new trick recently, with each of the social media sites getting exclusive screenshots in addition to the core set shared in an original blog post.

No matter which site or service you use to follow the news we publish, we feel honored to share the road with you, our fans. We have come a long way, and still, I think we're only at the start of much bigger things. We have so many cool features in development, our team has grown in size and productivity to create fantastic new content, and with your support, our games have a bright future ahead of them.

Thank you, and see you soon with blog post #1,001!

Pavel Sebor
CEO, SCS Software

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