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Trucks World Cup 2020 for Euro Truck Simulator 2

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Trucks World Cup 2020 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 News ETS2 Total views: 1 292

After our successful #TruckAtHome event, we have been thinking about how we can bring even more fun and entertainment for our #BestCommunityEver, while we are still confined to our homes.

Together with Renault Trucks, we have come up with a contest for fans of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and the iconic Renault Trucks vehicles that are featured! Introducing the Trucks World Cup 2020, a screenshot-voting competition with amazing rewards kindly provided by our friends over at Intel, Thrustmaster, HyperX, and Tobii. What's it all about you ask? Well, let us explain how it all works.

If you want to participate, please follow these steps and rules:
1. Hop in and decorate/tune/paint your favorite Renault Trucks vehicle in ETS2
2. Take a few screenshots according to the simple rules displayed on the banners below. We need at least one screenshot of your truck taken in a three-quarter face and another full frontal.
3. If you want, you can also record a short video footage. Be as creative as you want. Screenshots are mandatory, videos are optional
4. All MODS are allowed
5. Write us something about yourself, i.e. your nickname, social media profiles (if you have any), how long have you been playing ETS2, what do you like the most about the Renault truck you chose for your screenshots, etc.
6. Send the above to this email address. (trucksworldcup2020[at sign] You can do so from now until the 26th of April, 2020, 23:59 CEST time
7. Your entry may then be picked as an entrant into the competition. The list of chosen entries will be announced on the 30th of April, 2020
8. Keep an eye (or two) on our and Renault Trucks' social media profiles, as more info will be posted there. You can also follow and watch this special Facebook Page

Trucks World Cup 2020 for Euro Truck Simulator 2
Then, the second phase will start from the 1st of May and will last until the 30th of May 2020. Together with our friends from Renault Trucks, we will create voting matches to decide on who has the best looking Renault truck in ETS2, and you will be our judges!

Each match will take place on the SCS Software or Renault Trucks Instagram profile; more specifically on the Instastories section, where you will be able to vote on the images posted. 

The rest is easy enough and totally up to you, our #BestCommunityEver. Whichever entry that gets the most votes, proceeds further through the competition and moves closer to the ultimate final reward. But don't worry if your entry doesn't make it all the way; there will be some cool gifts from the pool of rewards such as free Steam keys to our games, DLCs, items from SCS' or Renault Trucks' merchandise stores, or even cooler items such as an Intel i7-7700k CPU, HyperX Alpha Cloud S Headphones, Thrustmaster T150 Pro Steering Wheel, Thrustmaster eSwap Pro Controller or Tobii Eye Tracker 4C devices. The ultimate final prize is still a mystery, but we plan to do something really cool for the winner!

Trucks World Cup 2020 for Euro Truck Simulator 2
Trucks World Cup 2020 for Euro Truck Simulator 2
Trucks World Cup 2020 for Euro Truck Simulator 2
Trucks World Cup 2020 for Euro Truck Simulator 2
Trucks World Cup 2020 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 Given the unfortunate COVID-19 situation, the shipping of physical gifts may be delayed, but fret not, we will do our best to the prizes to you as quickly as possible! 

Are you up for this competition? Can we count on seeing your mighty beast in the pool of participants? We're sure we can!

Don't forget to frequently watch our (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Page) and Renault Trucks' (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Page) social media profiles as new info will be regularly posted there.

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  1. Антон Антон28 March 2025 17:25 Обновите пожалуйста данный мод вышло обновление... Enhanced Graphics Mod v2.1.1 (1.53.x) for ETS2
  1. Ramis Ramis27 March 2025 18:36 Hello. I found another invisible wall on the map of... Republic of Kazakhstan Map v1.5 (1.53.x) for ETS2
  1. admin admin27 March 2025 17:28 It will also be optimized for version 1.54 of the game. ... Lighting Improvements Graphics Mod v1.0.10 (1.53.x) for ETS2
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