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/ ETS2 Mods » Maps ETS 2 » Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2

Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2

Author: | | Views: 25 301 | Comments: 5
Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2 Version game: v1.53.x Mod Updated to v1.16.3 Total views: 25 301
Category: Maps ETS 2
Version Game: v1.53.x
Credits: MyGodness

Grand Utopia Map ETS2 -  project for the game Euro Truck Simulator 2, at 1:1 scale. Grand Utopia is a fictional world which invites virtual truckers to discover new places and new roads. Inspired from France, this imaginary island country is currently a work-in-progress. I pay special attention to building a high quality world. This map will give you an entire new fictional world to discover, created by me. The map is still a work in progress project so I thank you to be nice if you have some bugs while you play on it.

Features Grand Utopia Map:
- The map is standalone, when creating a profile, you must select the module grandutopia.mbd;
- 39 available cities and villages
- 27 planned cities and villages
- 42 cities and villages sponsored by the community
- 199 companies to deliver
- 22 truck dealers
- 4 highways
- 18 secondary roads
- a 7.500 km² playground, in the end
- Completely ready for the game;
- A thorough approach to detail;
- adjusted economy;
- Traffic configured;
- For work, all DLC'S are required.

Changes in v1.16.3:
- [ROAD] none
- [CITIES] none
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Crosstie Railfreight Mobility
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Bom Transport Express
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Transports Augizeau
- [OTHERS] correcting reported bugs and mapping mistake
- [OTHERS] making the mod fully compatible with ETS 2 1.53

Tested on game version 1.53.x
Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2 Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2 Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2 Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2 Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2 Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2 Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2 Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2 Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2

Changes in v1.16.2 (1.53.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.52 / 1.53
- [ROAD] extending D31
- [CITIES] none
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Trans Torre
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Jim Transports
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Crystal Soul Production
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Groupe Capelle
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Transports Ronchon
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding T.G.R.U.
- [CUSTOM COMPANIES] adding Côteaux des Braises
- [OTHERS] correcting reported bugs and mapping mistake
- [OTHERS] adding compatibility with Kogel DLC for VTC trailers
- [OTHERS] adding compatibility with Kassbohrer DLC for VTC trailers

Download Link 1​​​ | ​Download Link 2​​​

Changes in v1.16.1 (1.50.x):
- [ROAD] none
- [CITIES] none
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Euskaltrans
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Noxia Petroleum
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Orelia Hypermarket
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Transperche
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Winchtransport
- [OTHERS] correcting reported bugs and mapping mistake
- [OTHERS] adding compatibility with Schmitz DLC for VTC trailers

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Changes in v1.16 (1.50.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.50
- adding new section of D9
- adding new section of D12
- adding new section of D31
- adding new section of A4
- reworking parts of A4 including a new interchange for Jean-du-Bartail
- reworking N3 layout with a new bridge between Saint-Benoît and Baie-du-Chien
- adding Pierre-sur-Fier
- adding Andréa
- adding Casania Distribution
- adding Falconer Freight Services
- adding Fever Transport
- adding Fret Transit
- adding Husky Logistik
- adding Penistone Oils LTD
- adding PPG Transport
- adding Rocheron Transport
- adding SimWorld
- adding TDF Logistiques
- adding Transports Segers
- adding Transports TDZ
- adding Turbo Transport
- adding a custom Batisse company (batisse_in) used to enable only deliveries on construction sites
- correcting reported bugs and mapping mistake
- correcting major bugs due to 1.50 ETS 2 update

Download Link 1​​​ | ​Download Link 2​​​

Changes in v1.15.5 (1.49.x):
- [ROADS] rebuilding A3/A4 interchange
- [ROADS] improving roads around Malterre
- [ROADS] adding tunnel reverberation and reworking speed limits on N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7 and A8.
- [ROADS] adding distance signs on N3 (between Utopia and Chavanon)
- [ROADS] adding distance signs on N1 (between Utopia and Rivenchy)
- [ROADS] adding D30
- [CITIES] adding Eilmont
- [CITIES] reworking western and southern Malterre
- [CITIES] reworking Kenzie
- [CITIES] reworking Saint-Flour
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Chtis Log
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding RPL Transport
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding DVL Trans
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Lost Boys Transports
- [PLAYERS VTC] adding some modifications to existings VTCs
- [OTHERS] correcting some bugs and mapping mistakes
- [OTHERS] adding one bus stop (Les Gravanches) to Utopia bus line
- [OTHERS] adding custom icon for citybus stops in Utopia
- [OTHERS] adding a rail connexion between Tours (GU) and Foxhaven (MG)
- [OTHERS] correcting some bugs and mapping mistakes

Download Link 1​​​ | ​Download Link 2​​​

Changes in v1.15.1 (1.49.x):

- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.49

- [ROAD] reconstruction of the Viaduc de la Vallée Noire on A1

- [ROAD] replacing the A4 portion inside Malterre city-centre with an avenue

- [ROAD] upgrading parts of D13 (bypassing Malterre from the north)

- [ROAD] upgrading parts of D15

- [ROAD] creating a A1/D13 interchange

- [ROAD] extending D12

- [ROAD] activating some hidden roads

- [CITY] upgrading Malterre (northern neighbourhoods and half of downtown)

- [PLAYERS VTC] adding Transacantal

- [PLAYERS VTC] adding some modifications to existing VTC

- [OTHERS] correcting some bugs and mapping mistakes

- [OTHERS] adding 1 point of interest

- [OTHERS] replacing old textures with newer ones

- [OTHERS] optimising Malterre with more Cut Planes

- [OTHERS] adding custom icon for citybus stops

Download Link 2 | Download Link 3

Changes in v1.15 (1.47.x):

  • [ROAD] reconstruction of the A1/A2 interchange
  • [ROAD] upgrading parts of D4
  • [ROAD] upgrading parts of D5
  • [ROAD] upgrading parts of N1
  • [ROAD] extending D6
  • [ROAD] extending N4
  • [ROAD] adding D25
  • [ROAD] adding A2 on Elizabeth Island (UK)
  • [ROAD] removing the toll on A2 near Clerlande
  • [ROAD] activating some hidden roads
  • [VILLAGE] adding Arlandis
  • [VILLAGE] adding Courpière
  • [VILLAGE] adding Denver (UK)
  • [VILLAGE] adding Maringues
  • [VILLAGE] adding Nouillorc
  • [VILLAGE] adding Sulikôw
  • [VILLAGE] upgrading Gavroche
  • [CITY] adding Saint-Sylvestre-Cappel
  • [CITY] upgrading Clerlande
  • [CITY] upgrading Rivenchy
  • [PLAYERS VTC] adding Les Chtis.Fr
  • [PLAYERS VTC] adding SJ Logistics
  • [PLAYERS VTC] adding Transport Augustin
  • [PLAYERS VTC] adding Transports Leforestier
  • [PLAYERS VTC] adding Utopia Underground
  • [CUSTOM GUCOMPANIES] adding Charlemagne Air
  • [OTHERS] correcting some bugs and mapping mistakes
  • [OTHERS] adding 8 points of interest
  • [OTHERS] reducing the number of VTCs hauling the "Metaverse Albums" cargo to 3: MCompagnie, L7CFamily, GU Express
  • [OTHERS] optimising Rivière-Sens with more Cut Planes
  • [OTHERS] optimising Montmorillon with more Cut Planes
  • [OTHERS] deleting Utopia-Rivenchy ferry connexion
  • [OTHERS] correcting the fuel price display bug at gas stations
  • [OTHERS] making road icons independent overlays
  • [OTHERS] adding Elizabeth Island (United Kingdom)
  • [OTHERS] adding custom loading screens
  • [OTHERS] adding the competition winner's photo into the loading screens

Download Link 2 | Download Link 3

Changes in v1.14.5 (1.45.x):

- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.45;

- [ROAD] rebuilding D5 road

- [ROAD] rebuilding the Pérignat A1 interchange

- [VTC] adding M&V Trucking in Salininkai

- [OTHERS] correcting some bugs and mapping mistakes

- [OTHERS] updating the fuel station icon

- [OTHERS] upgrading the map near Pérignat and near the quarry

- [OTHERS] removing the toll on Chateau d'Ours island

- [OTHERS] adding mileage markers on highways

- [OTHERS] adding 2 points of interest

- [OTHERS] making GU compatible with patrons-only addons

- [OTHERS] making GU compatible with ETS 2 v1.45

- [OTHERS] adding bus stops in Stellamar, Gérardmer, Lossande-Gelèsse, Baie-du-Chien, Château d'Ours, La Josefine, Courfeyrac, Port-Aélvinque, Tours, Utopia - Zone Portuaire and Monchaux-Soreng.

- [OTHERS] adding bus icon for existing bus stops in Belmont, Grandville, Rivière-Sens, Legrotas, Alingsas, Lavernay, Larzac, Poix-du-Nord, Jean-du-Bartail, Ville-Marie, Chavanon, Kenzie and Saint-Benoît

Download Link 2 | Download Link 3

Changes in v1.14.3 (1.44.x):

– Changed some companies;

– Added companies MCompagnie, Les Chtis.Fr;

– Added viewpoints in Bossel, Beaubourg, Clerland, Chirac and Lafaleze;

– Activated the display of more hidden roads;

– Fixed some bugs.

Download Link 2 | Download Link 3

Changes in v1.14.2 (1.44.x):

- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.44;

- Adding a ferry port in Iliffe;

- Adding bus stops in several cities;

- Adding a new company to Rombas Airport;

- Fixed errors.

Download Link 1 | Download Link 2 | Download Link 3

Changes in v1.14 (1.43.x):

- New city - Sainte-Marie-Sur-Mer;

- New villages: Salininkai and Chaseville;

- New companies: Big Al'S Big Freight, Blumen Market, Ltg, Sabr Logistics, Sud Provence Logistique, Transport Grand Ouest, Transports L7cfamily, Transports Medina, Transports Zephyr, Univers Simu;

- new review points (3 units);

- Fixed bugs.

Download Link 1 | Download Link 2 | Download Link 3

Changes in v1.13 (1.43.x):

- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.43;

- Fixed bugs from previous version;

- Added new colored basemap.

Download Link 1

Changes in v1.12 (1.42.x):

- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.42;

- Added 4 new cities;

- Added new expensive;

- Some transport junctions are redone;

- Fixed bugs.

Download Link 1

Changes in v1.11:

- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.41;

- Work has begun on the processing of road signs;

- Correction of detected errors;

- Added custom buildings;

- Added new cities and villages with their companies;

- Added New VTC System.

Download Link 2

Changes in v1.10:

- adapted to the latest game patch 1.40;

- three new villages: Neyland, Montchaux-Soreng and Courfeyrac added;

- The village of Aix-Noulette-sur-Hulluch has also been enlarged;

- two new areas added: Utopia Port Area and Port-Aelvinque;

- new coastal village, located south of the port area;

- old castle of the Dukes of Aelvinque on its rocky promontory, as well as the natural arch carved by thousands of years of erosion added.

Download Link 2

Changes in v1.9:

- adapted to the latest patch 1.38

Download Link 2

Changes in v1.8:

- 3 new cities added

- new roads added

- Now the map requires the Road to the Black Sea DLC 

Changes v1.7

4 new citites:

→ La Josefine

→ Château d'Ours

→ Jean-du-Bartail

→ Gebbbe du Montargis

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
    ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version.
    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Grand Utopia Map v1.16.3 by MyGodness (1.53.x) for ETS2»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

Do you like this map?

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Total Comments - 5

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  1. Ralph
    • +3

    Upon first launching the mod, I was immediately struck by the scale and detail of the map. MyGodness has clearly invested significant time and effort into creating a world that feels both immersive and varied, capturing the essence of a European trucking experience while introducing unique locations and challenges.


    One of the standout features of this mod is the diverse scenery. From bustling cities with intricate road networks to serene rural landscapes dotted with charming villages, the attention to detail is remarkable. Each area has its own character, and it often feels like a journey through different cultures and histories. The blend of urban and natural elements keeps gameplay fresh and engaging, ensuring that every trip feels unique.


    One of the most detailed ETS2 map which i played.

  2. yuan
    • +1

    merde merde merde merde merde

  3. toke fier
    • +2

    Great Map;

  4. nipon
    • +1

    map beautiful

  5. Neel
    • +3

    Love map great graphics 

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