Real Company Logo By Schumi ETS2 - this mod replaces fictional companies with real ones. Connect this mod in the manager above the mods Anim company gates and Company addon. A wide list of logos, brand images, corporate identity of top companies is what to expect from the modification. This mod adds a touch of realism by featuring the logos of well-known brands and companies from the transportation industry. he mod replaces the generic logos used for companies in the game with their real-life counterparts, making the virtual trucking experience more immersive and authentic.
Features Real Company Logo:
- Logos for various trucking companies from around the world;
- Realistic company logos with accurate designs and colors;
- adding real companies in gas station; - adding real logos, brand images; - over 165 companies have been replaced; - compatible with all maps DLC's.
Changes in v2.9: - Fixed bugs - Replaced all company in DLC Greece with real ones
AA - Auto di Alonso --- Alfa Romeo ACC --- Buzzi Unicem ACI SRL --- Alitalia Cargo AeroBaltica --- airBaltic АэроБалтика --- airBridgeCargo Agrominta UAB --- AUGA Group Agronord --- Lantmännen ARIA Food --- ARLA Foods Ateria --- Atria Plc Балтоморск --- RFP Group Baltomorsk --- Pata Bâtisse --- Vinci Construction BCP --- JCB BHB - La Raffinerie --- Total BHV --- SAAB Bjork --- Norrskog BLT --- Griteka БЛТ --- Griteka Russia Balteus Yachts --- Grandezza Boats Балтеус Яхты --- Компания "Яхтенная корпорация" Baltic Metallurgy --- Outokumpu Балтийская Металлургия --- Металлоинвест BOISSERIE J-P --- Monniot Cantiere Navale --- Azimut Yachts Cargotras --- AutaMarocchi SpA Cemeltex --- Mapri ehitus Цемелтекс --- Tashir Cesare Supermercato --- Conad Chimi --- Rhodia CNP --- MOL Group Italy Comoto --- Iveco Container port --- Maersk Port de Conteneur --- CMA CGM Terminal Container --- Grimaldi Group Контейнерный пункт --- Совкомфлот Costruzione di Edifici --- Impresa Pizzarotti Dans le Jardin --- Terrena DomDepo --- Merko ДомДепо --- Главстрой Drekkar Trans --- DFDS Logistics ÉCO --- Elf Estonian Paper AS --- Horizon pulp and paper Maatila Egres --- Raisio Eolo Lines --- European Seaways EuroAcres --- Sano & de heus EuroGoodies --- DHL Evikši ZS --- Food Union Exomar --- Gruber Logistics Fattoria Felice --- Genagricola FCP --- CAT Factory Finnish Tyres --- Nokian Tires Финские шины --- Nokian Tyres Russia FLE --- Bolloré Logistics FUI SpA --- ApoFruit Gallia Ferries --- Brittany Ferries Globeur --- Gefco GNT --- Danske Fragtmaend Gomme du Monde --- Michelin Huilant --- ExxonMobil IBP --- Neste Ika Bohag --- Ikea ИКА мебель --- Икеа Ini --- Eni ITCC --- DSV Kaarfor --- Carrefour Старый Камень --- ГК "Возрождение" Vanha Kivi --- TG Granit Konstnorr --- Skanska Ladoga Auto --- Lada Ладога авто --- Лада Lateds --- Dobeles Dzirnavnieks Libellula --- Ducati Lintukainen Oy --- Metsä Lisette Logistics --- Geodis LkwLog GmbH --- LKW Walter Latvijas Vagonu Rūpnīca --- Rīgas vagonbūves rūpnīca Marina --- Marmo SpA --- NB Bagbara MS Stein --- Nordic Mining MVM carrière --- NIVET NBFC --- Repsol NCH --- Freight One НКХ --- Первая Грузовая Компания Nordic Crown --- Danish Crown Nordic Stenbrott --- LKAB Norrfood --- NETTO Norrsken --- FREJA Nos Pâturages --- Sodiaal Noskonitta --- Cristella NS Chemicals --- BASF НС Химия --- Сибур NS Oil --- Equinor НС Ойл --- Лукойл Nucléon --- EDF Õnnelik talu --- Baltic Agro PIAC --- Fiat ПК Медведь --- Мираторг Polar Fish --- Cermaq Polarislines --- Stena Line Posped --- DB Schenker PP Chimica Italia --- Radici Group Quadrelli SpA --- Campolonghi Steinbruch --- Euromines Radus --- Rudus Радус --- Rudus Russia Renar Logistik --- Kuehne + Nagel Renat --- Avoti Rosmark --- Kreiss Росмарк --- Kreiss Vostok Sag & Tre --- Stora Enso Skog AB S.A.L. S.R.L. --- Imberti Legnami SAL --- Freeco Logistics Sanbuilders --- Max Bögl SellPlan --- Lidl Североатом --- Росатом Scout --- Škoda Auto Spinelli --- Pirelli Stokes --- DPD Subse --- Bonduelle Suprema --- Prisma Супрема --- Перекресток TE Logistica --- Arcese Tesoro Gustoso --- Cirio Tradeaux --- Waberer’s International Trameri --- Dachser TransiNet --- Raben Group Trasporti Mediterraneo --- Fercam Tree-ET --- Södra UKKO Voima --- Teollisuuden Voima Viljo paperitehdas Oy --- Ahlstrom-Munksjö Vilniaus Popieriaus Fabrikas --- Grigeo Vitas Power --- Vestas Voitureux --- Citroen VPC --- Volvo Car VRM Oil --- Rosneft ВРМ Ойл --- Роснефть WGCC --- Evonik Industries Wilnet Transport --- Alainé Зелёные Поля OOO --- РусАгро
DLC Road to the Black Sea Balkan Loco --- Eurospeed Baltrak Lojistik --- Barsan Global Lojistik Brawen Transport --- International Lazar Company CGLA --- Saint-Gobain Dobra Ferma --- Agrotime Dulcis --- Automobile Dacia Fallow Cargo --- Ekol Filgas --- Rompetrol Kolico --- European Drinks Log n Stick --- Gökbora A.Ş. Low Field --- Holde Agri Invest SA Ocean Solution Group --- Vripack Oțel Impecabil --- ArcelorMittal Galati Petrin --- Petrol Ofisi Rimaf --- Napolact Rock Eater Quarry --- MARMOSIM Rump --- Ford SCS Paper --- Kartonsan Sporklift --- Balkancar Record Stomaena Roza --- HUS Ltd. The Train Foundry --- Express Service Timber Turtle --- Holzindustrie Schweighofer Trade Market Istanbul --- Migros TTK --- Discordia
Changes in v2.7 (1.53.x): - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.53; - Replaced 2 gas stations from DLC West Balkans with real ones (PEGI --- MOL and Gryfoil --- EKO).
Changes in v2.2 (1.49.x): - Fixed bugs - Replaced all companies in Western Balkans - Replaced gas station Nada with INA Download Link 1
Changes in v2.1 (1.49.x): - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.49 Download Link 1
Changes in v2.0 (1.47.x): - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.47; - Fixed bugs; - Replaced: Deutsche Frauchthäfen (DFH) --- Hapag-Lloyd Download Links
Changes in v1.9 (1.46.x): - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.46; - Fixed bugs - Replaced: Сирин Эйр (Russia) --- РУССЭЙР and Муромец (Russia) --- Литейная мануфактура Download Link 1
Changes in v1.8 (1.45.x): - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.45; - Fixed bugs; - Replaced by AI Automotive. Download Link 1
Changes in v1.7 (1.44.x): - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.44; - Fixed bugs from previous version; - Replaced companies in Austria. Download Link 1
Changes in v1.6 (1.43.x): - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.43; - Fixed bugs from previous version. Download Link 1
Changes in v1.5 (1.41.x): - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.41; - Fixed bugs from previous version; - Replaced gas station logos for Iberia. Download Link 1
🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links. ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version. ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project. ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.
Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:
- Download the mod «Real Company Logo v2.9 by Schumi (1.53.x) for ETS2»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.
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