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RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2

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RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2 Version game: v1.53.x Mod Updated to v14.153 Total views: 16 952
Category: American Trucks
Version Game: v1.53.x
Credits: jekich1, Oleg Verhovodov, SCS, Smith, Oleg Verhovodov (Fire-Blade), Mikhail Verhovodov, Virat, Evelin_Sophie, kriechbaum, Mick Brown, Tracy N Nathan Anderson, HCC, BSA, blacksitearea

RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 ETS2 - this mod adds a high quality american tuck with many customization elements on the ATS / ETS2 roads. The truck mod is designed in the best traditions of the RTA Team and has a rich potential of new versions of ETS2 and ATS. The developers have endowed the Kenworth K200 with an ideal interior, where you can not only sit behind the wheel, but also lie down on your bed or view the entire interior in detail from all angles. 

Features Kenworth K200 (BSA Edit):
- independent truck model
- hiqh quality 3D model
- hiqh quality detailed exterior and interior
- the model has own interior, sound, wheels
- present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer
- the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat cabin
- the choice of chassis, cabins
- the choice of power engine
- the choice of transmission, gearbox
- the choice of wheels configuration and rims
- the choice of color body / metallic paints / skins
- correct position of the Kenworth logo
- Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals;
- The correct position of the player
- Cables trailer support
- Cabin Accessories DLC support.
- National Window Flags DLC support.
- FMod sound support
- Window animation support
- Added to Quick Jobs.
- There are external tuning
- Supports all major functions of the game
- Buy from Peterbilt dealer

Changes in v14.153:
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.53;
- Interior shadows support added;
- New skins added;
- Main mirrors corrections;
- Found issues fixed.

Tested on game version 1.50.x

RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2 RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2 RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2 RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2 RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2 RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2 RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2 RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2 RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2

Changes in v14.150 (1.50.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.50;
- Some found issues were fixed;
- Some files were changed or updated;
- Some new details for interior were added;
- Model files of truck, interior, animations were changed. 

Download Link 1 | Download Link 2

Changes in v14.147 (1.47.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.47;
- Added suport for Convoy Mode.

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Changes in v14.143 (1.43.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.43

Download Link 1 | Download Link 2 | Download Link 3

Changes in v14.141 (1.41.x):
- Adapted: to the latest game patch 1.41;

- Updated: some materials or their properties, tanks;

- Fixed: lights, mirrors, interior materials properties;

- Added: steps for tanks as a separate element of tuning;

- Revised: light sources, some accessories;

- Changed: models of truck, interior, and some accessories; some tanks and lights;

- Deleted: redundant files, some variants of accessories.

Download Link 1 | Download Link 2 | Download Link 3

Changes in v14.139 (1.39.x):
- adapted to the latest game patch 1.39;

- New options for mudguards, some other external decorative accessories; 

- Updated support for DLC Cabin Accessories and support for SiSL Mega Pack; 

- WPass, smoke for all tailpipe options, some necessary files from ATS;
- fixed bugs from previous version.

Download Link 1 

Changes in v14.3 for 1.37.x:
- Updated: up to ETS2 v1.37;
 - Fixed: windshield and door glasses for correct rain and wipers acting, other minor fixes, DX11 adaptation;
 - Added: SCI Steering Wheels DLC + Steering Wheel Knobs, interior light, new variants of bumpers, bullbars, mudguards, some other external decorative accessories, some necessary files from ATS;
 - Revised: UI shadows, collision, coupling system, compatibility of all the truck's accessories to each other;
 - Changed: each model file of the truck, exterior and interior was broken into two to less these files' weight to meet the game requirements, and to try to resolve the problem of the game lags;
 - Deleted: duplicate details in truck, interior and exterior model files, some useless files.

Download Link 1 | Download Link 2 |  Download Link 3 

Changes for 1.35.x:
- Updated to the latest game version 1.35.x
- Corrections: minor edits, adaptation for DX11;
- Additions: SCI Steering Wheels DLC + Steering Wheel Knobs, registration in agency orders in the UK;
- Revision: truck collision, advanced coupling system, compatibility of tuning elements with the chassis and among themselves ;;
- Changes: duplicate details were removed in the files of the truck, interior and exterior models, and the files themselves are broken
in two, in order to reduce their size to the limit set by the game, to thereby try to eliminate lags during
game time;
- Deletes: part of unused files.

Download Link 1 | Download Link 2

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
    ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version.
    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «RTA-Mods Kenworth K200 v14.153 (BSA Edit) (1.53.x) for ETS2»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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  1. Cave Johnson
    • 0

    I have the mod installed and it's in the right version, it's says it's active but I can't find the dealership in the menu. How do I fix this or am I doing something wrong?


  2. Diehard Trucker
    • 0

    4k Video Review


  3. Lokka
    • 0

    Can you add right hand drive cabin?

  4. Diehard Trucker
    • 0

    HD Video Review


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