Road to the Black Sea DLC - Romania country
Since you already know what our next map expansion will be, it's time to take a closer look at the countries found on the Road to the Black Sea. This time, Romania.
Romania is a large (238,397 square kilometres) and wonderful country with a unique spirit and cultural tradition. A reason for this lies in the fact that the country is at the crossroad of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. Many different influences met in Romania during its rich history, and marks of these can be seen even today - for example in the number of architectural landmarks.
From a driver's point of view, you'll find everything you might desire - high mountains, deep forests, rivers, coastal roads and more! For now, here's a fresh batch of heavily work-in-progress screenshots, but you may look forward to more blog posts about the country's specifics - there's a lot to write about. One example would be the infamous castle which many of you might be interested to see...
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