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Realistic Lighting 2 JBX - Preset v2.0 (Reshade and SweetFX) (1.31.x)

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Realistic Lighting 2 JBX - Preset v2.0 (Reshade and SweetFX) (1.31.x) Version game: 1.31.x Total views: 3 761
Category: Graphics - Environments
Version Game: 1.31.x
Credits: JuanBonX (Mod), (Autor), Crosire (Reshade), DriverStein

Realistic Lighting 2 JBX - Preset v2.0 (Reshade and SweetFX) (1.31.x) for Euro Truck Simulator 2 game.

This modification improves lighting, bloom, contrast, road textures, terrain, sidewalk, disables automatic exposure and other additional improvements for a better gaming experience. 

Recommendation: Avoid modifying the default brightness and contrast of the monitor*, play in Full HD (1920X1080) or higher and use the graphics settings that I recommend to get the best possible result in the game.

Additional: Deactivate the graphic options of post-processing effects and any other adjustment that affects the quality of the environment, including anti-aliasing filter not recommended. The brightness or gamma settings must be by default in the games. in some games you have to adjust it to avoid excess brightness.

Features mod:
- Better Lighting
- Better Color
- Better Contrast
- No Pure White
- Sharpness and Focus
- Realistic Color Temperature

Changes in v2.0:
- Improvements and additional corrections in the Weather.

Changelog v1.9.6:

Adjustments and Improvements in Curves, DPX, LumaSharpen and Tonemap.

Better Color
Better Contrast
Less Brightness
No Pure White

Important: Always use the modified file DPX.h (SweetFX v2.0) for the correct visual of the effect. Replace existing file

Path: SweetFX\Shaders\DPX.h


Adjustments required* in the Game

- Anti-Aliasing (MLAA): OFF (*)
- High Dynamic Range: ON (*)
- Depth of Field (DOF): OFF (*)
- Rays of Sunshine: ON (*)
- Color Correction: ON (*)
- Anisotropic Filtering: Maximum (*)

I recommend playing in the best graphic quality + 400% Scaling + Full HD

For better visual quality apply all the graphic settings I recommend. It affects the performance*

Necessary settings for my Mod JBX (SCS) and Preset v1.9.6 (Config.cfg)

uset r_gamma "1" (Important)
uset r_cloud_shadows "0" (Optional)
uset r_color_correction "1" (Important)

Path: \Documents\American Truck Simulator\config.cfg
Path: \Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\config.cfg

Note: Exit the game before modifying config.cfg

Warning: If you want to use any of my configurations, request it and leave my credit. JuanBonX

Compatible: Con la mayoría de los juegos - With most games

Disable FXAA for Other Games (Important)

Tested on game version 1.31.x

Realistic Lighting 2 JBX - Preset v2.0 (Reshade and SweetFX) (1.31.x) Realistic Lighting 2 JBX - Preset v2.0 (Reshade and SweetFX) (1.31.x) Realistic Lighting 2 JBX - Preset v2.0 (Reshade and SweetFX) (1.31.x) Realistic Lighting 2 JBX - Preset v2.0 (Reshade and SweetFX) (1.31.x) Realistic Lighting 2 JBX - Preset v2.0 (Reshade and SweetFX) (1.31.x) Realistic Lighting 2 JBX - Preset v2.0 (Reshade and SweetFX) (1.31.x) Realistic Lighting 2 JBX - Preset v2.0 (Reshade and SweetFX) (1.31.x)

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
    ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version.
    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Realistic Lighting 2 JBX - Preset v2.0 (Reshade and SweetFX) (1.31.x)»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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