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Expanded Radio Stations

Author: | | Views: 5 670 | Comments: 0
Expanded Radio Stations Version game: 1.22.x Total views: 5 670
Category: Other mods ETS 2
Version Game: 1.22.x
Credits: ATySuko

This file contains some new added radio stations for Euro Truck Simulator 2.
I have realised that there are any italian, swiss and hardly any austrian radio stations.

I share this file with you to save you the time of writing and searching the links.

Radio stations:


- ORF FM 4
- Kronehit
- Welle 1
- Soundportal Graz
- Life Radio
- Radio Fabrik
- Radio Proton (new)
- Radius 106,6 (new)


- Radio SRF 3
- Radio 1
- Radio Pilatus
- RTS Couleur 3


- Radio Popolare
- R101 Music No Stop
- Radio Kiss Kiss
- Radio 105
- Primaradio Sicilia
- Primaradio Napoli
- Radio Alfa
- Radio Kairos Bologna
- Latte Miele
- Radio Punto Nuovo
- Rete Uno Network


- Antenne Bayern
- elDOradio 93.0 Dortmund
- Byte FM (new)
- Hamburg Zwei (new)
- Die Neue Welle (new)
- Radio Bochum (new)
- Radio Flora (new)
- Radio Leverkusen (new)


- Nashe Radio
- Keks FM (new)


- Radio Maribor
- Radio Antena
- Radio Capris
- Radio Capris Rock
- Radio Capris EX-YU
- Radio City
- Radio Ptuj
- Radio 1 Ljubljana
- Radio 1 Maribor
- Radio 1 Novo Mesto
- Radio Ekspres


- MR1-Kossuth Radio
- MR2-Petofi Radio
- MR3-Bartók Radio
- Radio Mi
- Aktiv Radio
- Balaton Radio
- Retro Radio
- Tilos Radio
- Fortuna Radio
- Csaba Radio
- Radio Sirius
- Nyugat Radio
- Torony Radio
- Radio Eger


- Tok FM
- Antyradio (new)
- Radio Index (new)


- Radio Liechtenstein
- Radio Liechtenstein Country
- Radio Liechtenstein Love
- Radio Liechtenstein Rock
- Radio Liechtenstein Schlager


- Bossa Nova
- Radio Alternativa MBS
- Jovem Pan FM


- EldoRadio
- Radio ROM
- RTL Radio
- Radio Ara

ImageCzech Republic

- Radio Bonton (new)
- Radio City 93,7 FM (new)
- Radio City Osmdesatka (new)
- Radio City Devadesátka (new)
- Radio City Milenium (new)
- Radio City Zona lasky (new)
- Radio Helax (new)
- Radio Spin (new)
- Radio Egrensis (new)


- Ekspres Radio (new)


- Discovery FM (new)
- Fresh FM (new)
- Hit FM (new)
- Kiss FM (new)
- Maestro FM (new)
- Radio Albena (new)
- Radio 7 (new)
- Radio Noroc (new)
- Vocea Basarabiei (new)


- Atlas FM (new)
- Connect FM (new)
- Europa FM (new)
- Gold FM (new)
- Joy FM (new)
- Nepoca FM (new)
- Radio 1 Tecuci (new)
- Radio Brasov (new)
- Radio Dada (new)
- Radio Hit (new)
- Radio Neptun (new)
- Radio Prahova (new)
- Radio Star (new)
- Tananana FM (new)
- We Radio (new)


- Avtoradio (new)
- Ekvator FM (new)
- Golos Stolytsi (new)
- Liubimoe Radio (new)
- Radio Kyiv (new)
- Vgolos (new)


- Latvijas Radio 1 (new)
- Latvijas Radio 2 (new)
- Latvijas Radio 3 (new)
- Capital FM (new)
- Radio 1 (new)
- Radio Naba (new)
- Radio Skonto (new)
- Retro FM (new)
- Super FM (new)


- Radio 1 Oslo (new)
- JaerRadioen (new)
- P5 Hits (new)
- Radio Rock (new)
- NRK P2 (new)
- NRK P1 Hordaland (new)
- P4 Lyden av Norge (new)

ImageFaroe Islands

- VoxPop (new)
- Ras2 (new)
- Kiss FM (new)


- Sea FM (new)
- Loop Radio (new)
- FUN Tampere (new)
- Metro Helsinki (new)


- Raadio Uuno (new)
- Raadio 2 (new)
- SkyPlus (new)
- Spin FM (new)
- Raadio Elmar (new)
- Raadio Mania (new)

Any radio station requests?
Write your favourite radio below.

Radio station won't connect?
* It could be because of my weak copy and paste skills. Sometimes there is a "/n" at the end of the link. Delete it.
* Link is broken or the radio station is not available right now.
* Too slow internet connection?

Enjoy listening! :wink_mini: 

Expanded Radio Stations

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
    ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version.
    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Expanded Radio Stations»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.
Download from our server: [0 b] (downloads: 87)

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