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Scania T Accessories ReMoled V8 for 1.21

Author: | | Views: 5 416 | Comments: 0
Scania T Accessories ReMoled V8 for 1.21 Version game: 1.21.x Total views: 5 416
Category: Parts & Tuning ETS 2
Version Game: 1.21.x
Credits: Solutech, Salessio2, Ghostrider2800

Scania T Accessories ReMoled V8 for 1.21


This is a rework of Moles excellent T Cab Accessories pack for 1.21 on RJL's Tcab 1.7.1.

Nothing added or removed it just works .


Download Scania T Mod v1.7.1 by RJL


Known issues:
Backleds do not follow the shaping of the new spoilers . This requires a rework in Blender if you can fix it then let me know .

Two log errors for and as both are NPOT . Minor tweak I will sort out when I'm more awake .

Other than that it appears error free .

If you find anything missing or broken please let me know so it can be fixed .

I have split this to a new thread as hopefully Mole will give me permission to port to the R Cab .

Anyway the updated mod can be downloaded from the link below .


Buy a new truck if you dont it will go screwy
Mod needs to be placed AFTER Rjl 1.7.1 in your load order or you will have missing parts .



Rework Credits Solutech,Salessio2,Ghostrider2800

Original Mod by Mole
Original Truck by RJL,SCS
Accessories by 50keda, k4k4k4, Maxx2504, V8K-Blaine

Scania T Accessories ReMoled V8 for 1.21 Scania T Accessories ReMoled V8 for 1.21 Scania T Accessories ReMoled V8 for 1.21 Scania T Accessories ReMoled V8 for 1.21

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
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Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Scania T Accessories ReMoled V8 for 1.21»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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