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MARK APPROVAL V1.0 by Lamandus

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MARK APPROVAL V1.0 by Lamandus Version game: 1.18.x,1.19.x? Total views: 2 665
Category: Other mods ETS 2
Version Game: 1.18.x,1.19.x?
Credits: Lamandus



Note from The Author:

I take no responsibility for any damage!

This is a "Do-It-Yourself" mod by creating her your own "license plate approval" mod for ETS2 (German cities). These files and 2 other software that you will need:

Notepad ++

Extracts my files in any folder. The folder "Zulassungsmod" should now be visible.
This you open, and is now in: Def / city.
So you see a lot of sii files to be opened with Notepad ++ best ALL (simultaneously).
Now you have all the cities opened in Notepad (individually with riders separated) before you.

The task now is to set the mark after your Gusto:
You can now press CTRL + H to the "Replace" (replace) to open tab. The you will also find above under "Search" (Search).
You must now determine what license plate letters you want to have.
In my case (and it is stored in the file), it is KE. Thus: Q: KE xxx or M: KE xxx.
To change this "KE" in your 2 or 1 request letter / n, you have to enter the top "Ersetzfeld" 0KE; 0 is a zero in this case.
Below you shall your letter / s type, according to a 0. Eg 0AE or 0C or 0HG.
Now you push on the left side: "All in all open files Replace" (Replace all in all opened document). This is the button above "Close" (close).
It should now appear all diskettes before the file name in red above. And a certain number of values ??have been replaced. Now click above on "File" (File) and "Save All" (Save all). Or Ctrl + Shift + S.

Almost there. Now you can close your Notepad ++.
When you go as far back in the Ordnerstrucktur until you def folder, a Manifest.sii, an image and a Mod.txt (which also includes this tutorial) see.

Now you marked all files in this folder with the right mouse button and choose the so-called. 7-Zip context menu and "Add to archive" there (Add to archives). The archives do not you call but Zulassungsmod.scs and change the archive format to zip. Compression strength is the "Save" (Save) and down on OK it.
Now you should have a Zulassungsmod.scs file that you now put in your modfolder and activated there.

The cities used herein are only original SCS cities. TSM or other Kartenmod-cities were not added due to Copyright.
Will you use mod-cities, so unpack the Moddateien the Kartenmods (.scs) with 7-Zip and seeks def / City folder on there. The therein .sii files can you then also move in my folder and make from there the above procedure with the following differences continue:

Deletes all the cities in not "Country: Germany". (Ie all non-German cities).
is now looking into the files: truck_lp_template []: to. There you can see in "" a combination of numbers according to one or 2 letters, ie "W033 121"
Deletes everything that comes under this line and copied it all from the 0Extra.sii file including the SII pure.
Now you can see several truck_lp_template []: "X033 21 .... and the original truck_lp_template [] :.
Your replaces the X against / the original letters. For example, X> W for Wuppertal and go to "Replace" (above), with the following difference:
it replaced now: 033 2! Namely, the 33 letters that you want to have. (As above, the KE)
Thus, for example 033 to 2 0AA 2 or 0BE 2
Important here that the 0 (zero) stands in front of the letters (and the 33) and followed by one by a space in both cases.
Deletes now truck_lp_template the original []:. Now should be the end of it only templates with 21, 211 or 2111.
Your stores the SII in my folder and continues with the pack as above.

If you have problems or questions, I am both here in the comment section, as well as via PM for your disposal.

MARK APPROVAL V1.0 by Lamandus

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
    ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version.
    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «MARK APPROVAL V1.0 by Lamandus»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.
Download from our server:
zulassungsmod.rar [0 b] (downloads: 4)

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