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Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2

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Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2 Version game: v1.53.x Mod Updated to v15.0 Total views: 7 083
Category: Maps ETS 2
Version Game: v1.53.x
Credits: Pria Kurniawan, Teguh Giyono, Lamtorogame

Sitinjau Lauik Map ETS2 - is one of the most beautiful and interesting maps with lots of hills road added for ETS2 players. You will find a new sensation of driving a bus or truck through a road full of deadly twists and inclines. Not only is the real condition dangerous, but in this preview map it also requires good vehicle performance with the correct driving method. As players explore Sitinjau Lauik, they will encounter unique landmarks and attractions, such as traditional Indonesian villages, ancient temples, and vibrant markets. The map also features realistic road designs and traffic patterns, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.  To navigate through Sitinjau Lauik, players must be prepared for challenging road conditions, including steep inclines, sharp turns, and narrow bridges. The map tests their driving skills as they maneuver large trucks through difficult terrain, all while adhering to traffic rules and regulations. 

Features Sitinjau Lauik:
- Standalone map;
- Indonesian atmosphere;

- Scenic Coastlines and tropical jungles;

- Urban centers;

- Rural Landscapes;

- Mountains and Hills
- 7 cities included;
- Challenging roads, beautiful landscapes;
- Included roads: unpaved, serpentines, highway,steep descents and ascents;
- Requires DLC: DLC France, DLC Italy, DLC North, DLC East 

Changes in v15.0:
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.53;
- The addition of 5100 km of new routes (the longest so far) including the legendary Liku Endikat route covering 8 cities; Tebingtinggi, Muara Beliti, Lubuklinggau, Curup, Kepahiang, Bengkulu, Pagaralam, Pendopo
- Added and fixed some details

Tested on game versions 1.53.x

Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2 Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2 Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2 Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2 Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2 Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2 Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2 Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2 Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2

Changes in v13.1 (1.50.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.50;
- Rework Padang City, Padang Panjang, Siringin
- Relocation of Siringin City
- Rework the Sitinjau Lauik route and completely rework the Anai Valley
- Raising the world map level along the coastal area, from Sicincin to Kambang
- Added and fixed some details
Download Link 1

Changes in v12.0 (1.49.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.49;
- Addition of 4700 km of new route from Panyabungan to Samosir covering 9 cities; Aek Badak, Padang Sidempuan, Sipirok, Sarulla, Tarutung, Siborong-borong, Dolok Sanggul, Tele, Samosir
- Fixed a number of bugs in the Map Sitinjau Lauik V11
- Added and fixed a number of some details

Download Link 1​​​ | ​Download Link 2​​​ | ​Download Link 3​​​

Changes in v6.0 (1.43.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.43;
- Add 2700 km new route covering 7 cities i.e Palupuh, Bonjol, Lubuk Sikaping, Panti, Rao, Kotanopan, dan Panyabungan
- Rework route: Pangkalan to Bangkinang
- Rework route: Sitinjau to Arosuka
- Rework Panormaa 1 bend
- Rework Arosuka City and adding its outer ring road
- Rework Maninjau Area
- Fix some bugs in Sitinjau Lauik Map V5
- Add and fix some other details
Download Link 1 | Download Link 2 | Download Link 3

Changes in v3.0 (1.39.x):
1. Addition of 6 cities: Koto Kampar, Lubang Kolam, Bangkinang, Teluk Betel, Mandeh, Painan 
2. Expansion of Padang City to Teluk Bayur 
3. Fixed some bugs in Map Sitinjau Lauik V2 
4. Added and improved some details 
Download Link 1 | Download Link 2 | Download Link 3

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
    ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version.
    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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  1. Devnesh
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    Description about « Sitinjau Lauik Map v15.0 (1.53.x) for ETS2 »

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  1. admin admin22 March 2025 10:48 Just copy the downloaded archive in your mods folder. ... Real Trailer Tyres Mod v1.8 by galimim (1.53.x) for ETS2
  1. Андрей Андрей22 March 2025 00:53 Уважаемый автор к сожалению в скаченном архиве нет файла с... Real Trailer Tyres Mod v1.8 by galimim (1.53.x) for ETS2
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