How to Play Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer
Video tutorial with How to Play Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer. This works with ATS as well, just click ATS instead of ETS2 in the installation tab during setup.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer - it has several servers for each of the games (ETS and ATS), a desktop client and built-in mods (so far I've only seen seasonal ones, for example, a mod that adds snow is now available).
Features of the ETS 2 Multiplayer:
- Only works with Steam versions of ETS and ATS
- A special launcher client is used to launch games.
- For authorization and other features in the game, the multiplayer has its own overlay
- Game traffic on the roads is completely absent
- On the roads you ride with real players only
- Player names are displayed above trucks
- There is a general chat
- There is a radio connection with players at a distance of no more than 700 meters
- There is a “/ fix” command that repairs your truck for free right on the road (the trailer does not repair!)
- On the map in the navigator displays the movement of players
- there are various settings
How to start using multiplayer:
- First, you must have the Steam version of Euro Truck Simulator or American Truck Simulator installed
- Register on the multiplayer website:
- Download and install the client
- When installing, specify the folder of the installed ETS and / or ATS. For example, "D: \ Games \ steamapps \ common \ Euro Truck Simulator 2"
- A client shortcut will appear on the desktop, you need to run the game through it.
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