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/ ETS2 Mods » Maps ETS 2 » RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2

RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2

Author: | | Views: 84 358 | Comments: 22
RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2 Version game: v1.53.x Mod Updated to v2.52 Total views: 84 358
Category: Maps ETS 2
Version Game: v1.53.x
Credits: aldim@tor, Sergey061

RusMap for ETS2
RusMap ETS2 - is very detailed map and has long been liked by the users of the game. Many truck drivers in real life have traveled the country far and wide! Visited many cities in transit or at work. Maybe for some driver this map is nostalgia, for someone it's just the very beginning of the work, but most importantly each of us has become an admirer of the RusMap map!

Features RusMap:
- Map of Russia (57 cities) and the Republic of Belarus (18 cities);
- Roads in Russia and Belarus;
- Lots of new cities;
- Various objects and points of delivery of goods, companies;
- New prefabs, models and companies;
- Russian placeables on the map;
- Nice landscapes, great roads to drive;
- Detailed City and Town Representations;
- Authentic Road Networks;
- Scenic Routes and Diverse Landscapes;
- Economic Integration;
- Required DLC's:  DLC Going East + Scandinavian DLC + Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC.

Changes in v2.52:
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.53;
- No territorial changes;
- Correction of errors sent by users.

Tested on game version 1.53.x

RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2 RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2 RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2 RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2 RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2 RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2 RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2 RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2 RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2
Changes in v2.51 (1.52.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.52

Changes in v2.51 (1.51.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.51;
- Elimination of previous errors and bugs;
- Connection of Tambov and Penza by the road P208 and P209.
Download Link 1​​​

Changes in v2.51 (1.50.x):
- A bug causing the game to crash in the cities of Priozersk, Saratov, Sortavala and others has been fixed.
- License plates in Russia have been corrected.
- Bugs with some prefabs have been fixed.
- Many other changes.

Changes in v2.50 (1.50.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.50;
- Full adaptation to patch 1.50 from the author of the map aldim@tor, without territorial changes;
- Bugs from the previous version have been fixed.
Part 1​​​ | ​Part 2​​​ | ​Part 3​​​ | ​Part 4​​​ | ​Part 5​​​

Changes in v2.49 (1.49.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.49;
- No territorial changes;
- Minor cosmetic improvements;
- To avoid unnecessary questions!! The version of the map with added territories and changes to some old parcels will be (approximately) in the area of NG.
 Download #1 

Changes in v2.48 (1.48.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.48;
- The new city of Kirovsk (Leningrad region);
- Federal highway M10 «Russia» (redesigned from St. Petersburg to Novgorod);
- The development of the federal highway M11 «Neva» (the first part from St. Petersburg to Novgorod) began;
- North part of the steles were replaced and some sections of roads were rebuilt. A global update will most likely be in the next version.

Download Link 1

Changes in v2.47 (1.47.x):
– Adapted to the latest game patch 1.47;
– Completely rebuilt Medvezhyegorsk and Brest;
– Continued replacement and removal of obsolete assets.

Download Link 1

Changes in v2.46.3 (1.46.x):
– The section from Voronezh to Pavlovsk (M4) was rebuilt;
– The section from the M4 towards Borisoglebsk was rebuilt (the village of Anna was completely redesigned);
– A connector for Promods_2.64 is included in the archive with the map.
– High-speed mode at the checkpoint Russia - Belarus (M1 highway);
– Base in Kingisepp;
– Optimized Grodno;
– Fixed bugs found by players.

Download Link 1

Changes in v2.46.2 (1.46.x):
– The north-east of the Leningrad region was rebuilt;
– Built-in hidden parts from the DLC "Heart of Russia" and the SPM addon;
– A partial restructuring of obsolete card assets was carried out.

Download Link 1

Changes in v2.46 (1.46.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.46;
- The Belgorod map has been built;
- Partial restructuring of obsolete card assets was made.

Download Link 1

Changes in v2.45 (1.45.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.45;
- Rebuilt the North - East of the Leningrad Region;
- The hidden parts from the DLC "Heart of Russia", the addon SZM are built into the built -in;
- Partial restructuring of obsolete card assets was made.

Download Link 1

Changes in v2.44 (1.44.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.44;
- Rebuilt Zelenoborsky;
- The second connection with (Penza - Syzran) has been built, Penza itself has been slightly expanded;
- Made a partial rebuild of obsolete map assets.
Download Link 1

Changes in v2.4.3.1 (1.43.x):
- Without territorial changes;
- Work has been carried out on the specified and found errors;
- Outdated signs and models have been partially replaced, new ones have been added.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Link in one file

Changes in v2.4.3 (1.43.x):
- Adapted for the latest game patch 1.43;
- New cities: Apatity, Kingisepp, Penza was partially implemented;
- Continued expansion of St. Petersburg (added concern "Almaz-Antey, including in the logistics of the game);
- At the request of the author (10avoid), and also considering that the Rusmap team was engaged in full adaptation and decoupling from the Southern region, the SZM addon was included in the map. At least until the release of the DLS "Heart of Russia", it will be part of Rusmap (well, then it will be seen);
- Fixed bugs of the previous version;
- Many other changes (continued cleaning of archives from obsolete assets with transfer to updated ones, or replacing them with default ones).
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Link in one file

Changes in v2.47 (1.47.x):
— Adapted to the latest game patch 1.47;
— Completely rebuilt Medvezhyegorsk and Brest;
— Continued replacement and removal of obsolete assets.

Download Link 1

Changes in v2.46.3 (1.46.x):
— The section from Voronezh to Pavlovsk (M4) was rebuilt;
— The section from the M4 towards Borisoglebsk was rebuilt (the village of Anna was completely redesigned);
— A connector for Promods_2.64 is included in the archive with the map.
— High-speed mode at the checkpoint Russia — Belarus (M1 highway);
— Base in Kingisepp;
— Optimized Grodno;
— Fixed bugs found by players.

Download Link 1

Changes in v2.46.2 (1.46.x):
— The north-east of the Leningrad region was rebuilt;
— Built-in hidden parts from the DLC «Heart of Russia» and the SPM addon;
— A partial restructuring of obsolete card assets was carried out.

Download Link 1

Changes in v2.46 (1.46.x):
— Adapted to the latest game patch 1.46;
— The Belgorod map has been built;
— Partial restructuring of obsolete card assets was made.

Download Link 1

Changes in v2.45 (1.45.x):
— Adapted to the latest game patch 1.45;
— Rebuilt the North — East of the Leningrad Region;
— The hidden parts from the DLC «Heart of Russia», the addon SZM are built into the built -in;
— Partial restructuring of obsolete card assets was made.

Download Link 1

Changes in v2.44 (1.44.x):
— Adapted to the latest game patch 1.44;
— Rebuilt Zelenoborsky;
— The second connection with (Penza — Syzran) has been built, Penza itself has been slightly expanded;
— Made a partial rebuild of obsolete map assets.
Download Link 1

Changes in v2.4.3.1 (1.43.x):
— Without territorial changes;
— Work has been carried out on the specified and found errors;
— Outdated signs and models have been partially replaced, new ones have been added.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Link in one file

Changes in v2.4.3 (1.43.x):
— Adapted for the latest game patch 1.43;
— New cities: Apatity, Kingisepp, Penza was partially implemented;
— Continued expansion of St. Petersburg (added concern «Almaz-Antey, including in the logistics of the game);
— At the request of the author (10avoid), and also considering that the Rusmap team was engaged in full adaptation and decoupling from the Southern region, the SZM addon was included in the map. At least until the release of the DLS «Heart of Russia», it will be part of Rusmap (well, then it will be seen);
— Fixed bugs of the previous version;
— Many other changes (continued cleaning of archives from obsolete assets with transfer to updated ones, or replacing them with default ones).
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Link in one file

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
    ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version.
    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «RusMap v2.52 (1.53.x) for ETS2»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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Comments - 22

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  1. Opa_Lutz
    • +2

    Karte funktioniert, aber hab Probleme mit der RC. Es fehlen Straßenabschnitte und sobals ich die RC aktiviere, stuürzt das game ab. Hat jemand einen Tip? Hab ProMod und RusMap installiert.


    Danke schon mal

    1. Guest Bruno
      • +3


      bei mir stürzt das spiel auch ab, sobald ich in bei Warschau bin. Es liegt an der Rusmap. Hab sie jetzt deinstalliert.

      Habe mal im Promods Forum nachgefragt. Mal schauen.

  2. argelit1
    • +6

    Уважаемые поклонники RusMap !
    Наверняка Вам известно, что есть сайт “Truck-sim club”, который является официальным.
    На этом сайте находится Aldim@tor – основатель проекта RusMap.
    Также есть официальная группа «ПО ДОРОГАМ RUSMAP» (где Вы сейчас находитесь), в которой публиковались посты об разработке карты и все новости, касаемые проекта.

    С 2019 года, начиная с версии RusMap 1.9.2 (для игры 1.35) разработкой и адаптацией занимался Сергей Банников. Всеми последующими версиями также занимался Сергей. За эти годы было сделано не мало – адаптация под DLC “Beyond the Baltic Sea”, расширение и доработка Санкт-Петербурга, перестройка Беларусь, постройка новых локаций и перестройка старых. И все это заслуга Сергея Анатольевича Банникова и его друзей – Дмитрий Частухин (dimon_26), Александр (Schura774), Георгий и Глеб Гончаренко, который создавал 3D модели. Все это происходило в этой группе.
    За эти годы на проект RusMap в этом сообществе подписалось более 9 тысяч подписчиков. И все это благодаря Сергею и его друзьям.

    Aldim@tor все эти годы не касался проекта. На “Truck-sim club’е” иногда публиковали релизы совершено другие люди.
    Но Aldim@tor все еще числится автором и хозяином проекта.

    12 июня, буквально на второй день после известия о смерти Сергея Анатольевича, на “Truck-sim club” был опубликован релиз RusMap версии 2.50 от “автора” проекта Aldim@tor’а.
    В описании было указано, что адаптирован под версию игры 1.50, устранены ошибки.
    Для нас это было неожиданно, поскольку об этом вообще не было известий от Aldim@tor’а
    Мы было уже обрадовались, что “истинный” автор вспомнил о своем проекте и вернулся.
    Но на поверку оказалось, что это даже не обновление и даже не адаптация.
    Было выяснено, что это просто была взята версия 2.47, заменены цифры в манифесте, а текст в описании один в один что в 2.47.
    Иконка также взята из очень старых версий.
    Все ошибки и косяки перекачивали из версии 2.47. Номерные знаки на трафике черные, встречаются дыры и розовые текстуры, также не берутся грузы с собственным прицепом.
    Перед релизом 2.48 все эти ошибки были устранены нашей командой. Даже, если сравнить версию 2.49 и эту от Aldim@tor’а 2.50, то 2.49 работает на 1.50 стабильней и без этих багов.
    Также мод разделен (размножен) на 7 частей. В 2.49 было 3.

    Мы заявляем, что разработчики RusMap, которые вели и адаптировали мод последние годы не имеют отношение к этому релизу от Aldim@tor’а

    Зачем и для чего это было сделано? Зачем было выпускать такую сырую версию? Это выглядит как издевательство над поклонниками.
    И весь этот “шедевр” не похож на работу Aldim@tor’а!
    Или это делал его подельник или Aldim@tor потерял квалификацию.
    Нам неизвестны его мотивы.

    Друзья! Стабильная и ПРАВИЛНАЯ адаптация под 1.50 готова. Для релиза осталось доделать небольшие локации новой территории. Небольшой, но новой! Все давно было бы сделано, если бы не катастрофическая нехватка времени из-за основной работы.
    Но релиз скоро будет!

    1. Алекс
      • +1

      Этот мудак везде успел пройтись и выложить эту хрень чтобы укрась карту у первоначального автора

  3. Jan-Erik Lindblom
    • -1

    Hello friends! Just uploaded the mod, have all DLC and so, it says it is active but the map doesn't show :(

  4. KT
    • +2

    Sorry to trouble again, but I had RusMap working great and then got a new computer. I did the same, placed RusMap .scs in .local/share/EuroTruckSimulator2/mod (Linux) but they are not showing in game mod list. I have all DLC.

  5. KT
    • +2

    I have RusMap v2.49 and ETS2 v1.49 but game mod manager shows RusMap is incompatible. Do I need some DLC to allow RusMap to function?

    1. admin
      • +4


      Map required Going East DLC+ Scandinavian DLC + Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC.

      Best regards!

  6. Hayden Beauchamp
    • 0

    does this work with the .5 update on ets2 and promods 2.67 


  7. Guy Portenaert
    • 0

    Le téléchargement ne corespond pas à la version 1.48 du jeu

  8. Papata
    • -2

    I really enjoy rusmap but i have one issue, belarusian plates are empty, they have the flag and the "BY" initials but not actual number. Any idea how to fix it ?

  9. Christian
    • -3

    Download Links are broken....

    1. admin
      • -2


      Check again, map was updated to the latest version 1.40 with new download links.


      Best regards!

  10. Mako8841
    • +2

    Great Map! You have always done a great job! Better than SCS maps. Please keep up the good work for us all! Thanks!

  11. william markham
    • -2

    no city names


  12. Caru
    • -2

    Video for RusMap v2.1.1:


  13. admin
    • +2
    Fix for Rusmap v2.1 - Shadows v1.1 by Jazzycat:
    - Added shadows for 69 building models.
    - For version 1.37.x
    - Fix should be higher than map files.

    Version 1.1 
    - fixed bug with texture
  14. monika
    • -2
    I came here from Youtube. why don't you rank in Google?
    1. admin
      • -1
      Is indexed and on Google, page 2...
  15. admin
    • 0
    Fix for RusMap v2.0 (01/19/20 ):

    - Full adaptation for patch 1.36.x

    - Replaced all “walkers” with “movers”
    - Fixed a bug with license plates of Belarus and part of Russian cities
    - Fixed a bug in the prefab of the gas station leading to a partial disappearance of textures
    - Fixed connector for communication with Promods
    - Make cosmetic changes
    - Fixed a road gap below Pskov (when using a card with default)
    - Fixed cosmetic errors found at this moment
    - Fixed localization (a separate mod is not needed)

    Credits: Sergey061, Schura774

  16. admin
    • +1
    Fix for RusMap v2.0 (11.01.20):
    - Replaced all “walkers” with “movers”
    - Fixed a bug with license plates of the police of Belarus and part of Russian cities.
    - Fixed a bug in the prefab of the gas station leading to a partial disappearance of textures.
    - Disappearing textures are fixed in the connectors)))
    - Make cosmetic changes ...
    - Extract files from the RusMap_2.0_Fix archive and place it in the "mod" folder with a replacement.

    Author: Sergey061

  17. SlavikSD
    • +2

    Thanks for the New Year gift! blush

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