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/ ETS2 Mods » Trucks ETS 2 » Iveco Trucks » Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2

Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2

Author: | | Views: 15 615 | Comments: 5
Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2 Version game: v1.52.x Mod Updated to v4.4 Total views: 15 615
Category: Iveco Trucks
Version Game: v1.52.x
Credits: SCS Software, Schumi, abalazs, FabriGalla, Borsuk, piva, Racing, nfshp253, obelihnio

Iveco Hi-Way Reworked ETS2 By Schumi - this mod improves the standard Iveco Hi-Way truck, adding a decent amount of new tuning accesories and new improvements. the truck model is well done, detailing, drawing, maximum realistic appearance of the truck. The mod improves the overall handling of the truck, adding new parts and accessories such as lights, engines, sound effects, and paint jobs. One of the notable aspects of the Schumi Iveco Hi-Way Reworked mod is that it integrates the latest features implemented in the game, such as the FMOD sound engine, used to create realistic and high-quality truck.

Features Iveco Hi-Way Reworked:
- Independent truck model
- High quality 3D model
- High quality detailed exterior and interior
- the model has own interior, sound and wheels
- the model has a passanger seat
- the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat- the choice of engine power
- the choice of transmission and gearbox
- the choice of wheels and rims
- the choice of interiors
- choice of color body / metallic paint / skins
- correct position of the Iveco logo
- present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer
- Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals
- Working lights and mirrors
- The correct position of the player
- There are external tuning
- Cabin Accessories support
- Supports all major functions of the game
- Buy in Iveco or Acces Mod dealer

Changes in v4.4:
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.52;
- Added shadows to the interior.

Tested on game version 1.52.x
Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2 Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2 Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2 Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2 Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2 Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2 Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2 Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2 Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2

Changes in v4.3 (1.50.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.50
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Changes in v4.2 (1.49.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.49;
- Templates in archive.

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Changes in v4.1 (1.48.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.48;
- Added new skins for the NP version
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Changes in v4.0 (1.47.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.47;
- Fixed bugs;
- Added new tuning.
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Changes in v3.9 (1.46.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.46;
- Fixed bugs;
- Working tachograph (time, speed, odometer).
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Changes in v3.8 (1.45.x):
– Adapted to the latest game patch 1.45;
– Added support for "Convoy" mode.
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Changes in v3.7 (1.44.x):
– Adapted to the latest game patch 1.44;
– Fixed bugs from previous version.
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Changes in v3.6 (1.43.x):
– Adapted to the latest game patch 1.43
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    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
    ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version.
    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Iveco Hi-Way Reworked v4.4 by Schumi (1.52.x) for ETS2»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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  1. Die Hard Trucker
    • 0

    4k Video Review


  2. Diehard Trucker
    • 0

    HD Video Review


  3. wesley
    • 0

    E qual a senha para abrir os aquivos.


    Não sei modelar caminhões porém gosto de mexer no motor e transmissão, capacidade de tanque esse coisas básicas.

  4. jommy
    • 0

    on the dashboard the arrow on the right does not light up

    1. tacsi68
      • +1

      Maybe other mod it's the problem(conflict).

      You can ask Schumi in Scs forum:

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