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Mini Cargo Pack for BDFs v1.1 in Ets2

Author: | | Views: 1 883 | Comments: 1
Mini Cargo Pack for BDFs v1.1 in Ets2 Version game: v1.35.x Total views: 1 883
Category: Other Trailers
Version Game: v1.35.x
Credits: iconRJ

Mini Cargo Pack for BDFs v1.1 in Ets2 1.35.x game version

Mini cargo pack for BDFs.
16 different types of loads.
Working only on version 1.35.x, because of the new version of PMG.
*Work fine on with Jazzycat cargo pack.

Tested with:
Mercedes Antos by D3S Design
Mercedes Sprinter 2010 v 1.1 by GRM Modding
Mercedes Actros MPIII by MTP
BDF Tandem Truck Pack v61.0 by Flemming V
Mercedes 1853 by Ekualizer.

Bugs found, and I could not solve:
1-can not unload without being on automatic, when you reach the destination, press "Enter", 
because, the load is not recognized for discharge, but...
2-when to turn back, don't unload, because the load will go to strange directions
3-I do not know if you can specify the load for a type of chassis, in the quick jobs, 
but charges also appear to common chassis trucks.
4-does not work on trucks with very high trailer hook, I tested in the Ford Cargo by Frank,
and it was not possible to unload

-When entering the cargo menu, look for the cargo with the "Palletized" description.
-Get in the trailer changing gear.
-Find the 'Pallet'.
-And good deliveries.
-Drive safely 

See the images:

Models: SCS and Jazzycat
Base: Flamming V
Special Thanks to Jazzycat and Flemming V for letting released their mods,
so I could learn how to load mods works.
Mini Cargo Pack for BDFs v1.1 in Ets2 Mini Cargo Pack for BDFs v1.1 in Ets2 Mini Cargo Pack for BDFs v1.1 in Ets2 Mini Cargo Pack for BDFs v1.1 in Ets2

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
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Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Mini Cargo Pack for BDFs v1.1 in Ets2»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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  1. SlavikSD
    • +1

    Big thanks!

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