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MAPA EAA NORMAL 10 ANOS - Update [1.34.x]

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MAPA EAA NORMAL 10 ANOS - Update [1.34.x] Version game: 1.34.x Total views: 2 814
Category: Maps ETS 2
Version Game: 1.34.x
Credits: EAA TEAM

Map of Brazil EAA NORMAL 10 Anos for Ets2 game version

The most grandiose update of the map for 10 years of its existence in the game!

This version works only on Ets2 1.34.x game version ...

Map and Base files should be downloaded again. Replace old ones with new ones.

Modifications to this update:

15 New towns:
El Alto
La Paz
Pomba River
new bridge
Raul Soares

Totaling 524 functional cities and 76 figurative cities, TOTAL 600 CITIES

Refurbished Capital:

Remodeling of the cities of:
Coronel Fabriciano
Valadares Governor
Teófilo Otoni
Rio Casca
Three Marys

New Roads:
MG-050 from Betim to Ribeirão Preto
Divinópolis to Oliveira
Santa Cruz de la Sierra to La Paz (Via Oruro)
Death Road (Between La Paz and Coroico)
Ipatinga to BR-116
Mariana to BR-262 (Via Ponte Nova)
Juiz de Fora to Ponte Nova (Via Pomba River, Ubá and Viçosa)
BR-262 to Raul Soares
Ribeirão Preto to France

New Figurative Cities:
Montero (Bolivia)

Miscellaneous Changes:
- About 2000 km of new roads (Total already exceeds 80,000 km)
- Creation of the Road Contour of Coronel Fabriciano and Ipatinga
- Duplication of the stretch of the BR-381 in the passage through Nova Era
- Improvements in BR-381 from João Monlevade to Governador Valadares
- Improvements in the Anhanguera Highway between Campinas and Divisa SP / MG
- New access to Ribeirão Preto
- Changed the entrancamento of Rodovia dos Bandeirantes with Anhanguera
- Fixed the advance of time (very fast) within Belo Horizonte
- Correction of error in the garages of Santa Maria de Jetibá, ibia, Salete and Itajubá.
- Smoothing curves in the BR-101 South of Bahia (without losing the sinuous characteristic of the region)
- Addition of GRAAL 125 on Bandeirantes Highway
- Clover of Sete Lagoas redone to finish with the track bottlenecks
- Dozens of cities with a name changed from a high-pitched box to a low-pitched pit
- Dozens of straight on various roads removed the "bellies" in the curves
- Improvements in the Ring Road of Belo Horizonte
- Creation of the Expressway of Belo Horizonte (Ficticía)
- Dozens of other small improvements that were not computed

Tested on 1.34.x game version. 

Download Optional Mods:

MAPA EAA NORMAL 10 ANOS - Update [1.34.x] MAPA EAA NORMAL 10 ANOS - Update [1.34.x] MAPA EAA NORMAL 10 ANOS - Update [1.34.x] MAPA EAA NORMAL 10 ANOS - Update [1.34.x] MAPA EAA NORMAL 10 ANOS - Update [1.34.x]

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
    ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version.
    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «MAPA EAA NORMAL 10 ANOS - Update [1.34.x]»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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