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Improved truck physics v2.7 by AlexeyP (1.32.x)

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Improved truck physics v2.7 by AlexeyP (1.32.x) Version game: 1.32.x Total views: 1 755
Category: Other mods
Version Game: 1.32.x
Credits: AlexeyP, SCS Software

Improved truck physics v2.7 by AlexeyP (1.32.x) for Euro Truck Simulator 2 game.

Features list for actual version 2.7:
1. More realistic and softer cabin movement;
2. Softer truck and trailer suspension;
3. Trailer is not so stable on high speed manoeuvres and while cornering;
4. User can loose control over the truck and trailer because of more realistic tyre and sway-bar settings;
5. Truck will accelerate and brake slower;
6. Improved driver body movement during driving and various manoeuvres;
7. More realistic engine/transmission/clutch settings;
8. It is harder to control the truck. Steering is not so arcade and easy;
9. Additional windshield wipers modes for all vanilla trucks. 

New changes in 2.7:
-Mod adapted to ETS2 1.32.x.x;
-Removed obsolete files from the mod;
-Fixed cabin behavior;
-Some other tweak in truck physics;
-Added missing additional windshield wipers modes for all trucks.
Changes in v2.6.1:
-Fixed incorrect cog_offset values in cargo definition files;
-Heavily decreased chance of cabin "sticking" to the chassis during the braking.

Changes in v2.6:
-Mod adapted for compatibility with patch 1.31;
-Improved cabin movement simulation;
-Increased brakes strength on low speeds;
-Decreased trailer stability on high speeds.

Changes in v2.5:
1.More realistic and softer cabin movement;
2. Softer truck and trailer suspension; 
3.Trailer is not so stable on high speed manoeuvres and while cornering;
4. User can loose control over the truck and trailer because of more realistic tyre and sway-bar settings;
5. Truck will accelerating and braking slower;
6. More driver body movement during driving and various manoeuvres;
7. More realistic engine/transmission/clutch settings;
8. It is harder to control the truck. Steering is not so arcade and easy;
9. New windshield wipers modes;10. New motion physics for curtains\hanging toys from Cabin accessories DLC.

New version 2.4:
-Completely reworked mod structure;
-Removed unneccessary definition files;
-Some changes in driver body physics;
-Main physics file got some changes in cabin/chassis suspension, tyre settings, fifth wheel settings, etc;
-Added new and changed already existing definition files to make mod compatible with newest game version (1.28).

Compatible game versions
Mod was tested on ETS2 1.32.x. 
Compatibility with older version is not guaranteed. Try it on your own risk!

¡Supported trucks! (for the actual ver. 2.7)
Mod support all trucks, but full support (which means tweaked chassis files) available only for trucks from vanilla game version.
Other truck/trailer mods can be adapted manually (see section "truck mod adaptation"). 
Important: you still can use this physics with truck mods without any adaptation, but in this case, chassis suspension behavior will be not as planned by mod...

Truck mod adaptation
1. Open truck mod archive, which you want to adapt to physics mod. Use winrar or 7zip for this, for example;
2. Go to def/vehicle/truck/truck_name*/chassis/;
3. You will find there some sii files, open all of them with windows notepad or some external editor like notepad++, akelpad etc;
4.1. Find these strings in truck chassis files:
residual_travel[]: 0.12 # 1st axle (this string sets suspension travel value for front axle. important: value after : may be different, for example not 0.12 but 0.13 or so). Change this value to 0.20;
You will also find residual_travel values for other axles, change their values to 0.11;
4.2. Find these string in truck chassis files:
kerb_weight[0]:    XXXX.X Where XXXX.X is some kerb weight for first axle. Decrease it by 1000kgs. Example kerb_weight[0]:    5000.1 -----> kerb_weight[0]:    4000.1
5. Save changes to all changed files, confirm file update in mod archive, when it will be requested by archiver tool;
6. Adaptation is ready. Play! 

How to install this mod properly for ver.2.7
1. Extract all files from downloaded rar-archive to some temp folder;
2. Based on control device you use to play ETS2 (keyboard or steering wheel) and desired cabin movement (soft/normal), copy desired physics mod to MOD folder and enable it in Mod manager with lower priority, than truck/trailer mod (to avoid possible conflicts);
3. Play!
I very recommend to use gameplay and controls settings from provided jpg screenshots for better experience from this physics mod.

Physics versions
1.physics_normal_keyboard.scs - normal cabin suspension movement, for keyboard players;
2.physics_normal_swheel.scs - normal cabin suspension movement, for steering wheel players;
3.physics_soft_keyboard.scs - softer cabin suspension movement, for keyboard players;
4.physics_soft_swheel.scs - softer cabin suspension movement, for steering wheel players.

Tested on game version 1.32.x 

You can post this mod wherever you want, but please keep original download links. Thank you!
Improved truck physics v2.7 by AlexeyP (1.32.x) Improved truck physics v2.7 by AlexeyP (1.32.x) Improved truck physics v2.7 by AlexeyP (1.32.x)

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Improved truck physics v2.7 by AlexeyP (1.32.x)»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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