ProMods 2.31 [1.32.x]
Author: tacsi68 |
14-10-2018, 22:37 |
Views: 8 549 |
Version game: 1.32.x
Total views: 8 549
Info Mod
ProMods 2.31 for Ets2 1.32.x game version
ProMods 2.31 requires the Italia DLC, the Vive la France ! DLC , the Scandinavia DLC , the Going East DLC
and Euro Truck Simulator 2 1.32 in order to work! (The Special Transport DLC is optional, but compatible)
New Update:
-adapted for 1.32.x game version
Same as v2.30
More information here:
SCS software for a fantastic game that was beginning for expansion. Founded by: Main developers: MandelSoft - Lead Developer Abraxas - Developer ajungrei93 - Developer aldimator - 'RusMap' Developer bricksathome - Developer CallumD714 - Developer cashtime2013 - Developer DeusHorizon - Developer ElitesquadzMods - Modeller elot360PL - Developer Eryman - Developer ETS2-User - Developer FH-Fahrer - Developer FLD - Prefab Developer HixoPL - Developer IvanGF14 - Developer jdenm8 - Graphics Designer Kutchek - Developer Leo2612 - Developer M95 - Developer MIRFI - Developer Ostpuff - Developer pauliaxz - Modeller penguinaz - Developer PH-AMG - Developer Platypus - Developer plykkegaard - Modeller Purno - Developer RacerToft - Developer realdeal350 - Developer robertas14 - Modeller SeptianPJ - Developer Vladzz-G - Developer Vøytek - Developer ZelvaCZ - Developer Add-on Pack Developers: getrixx - Trailer Developer KubaJAM (formerly uk_daf_fan) - Trailer Developer LoaderSaints - Company Developer tkk7406 - Cabin Accessories Developer Moderators: Almighty adgjl bmwGTR HansTheTrucker - Graphics Designer Jan Verschueren mbman212 n4gix.bill.leaming NathanARF Stummer - Cargo Pack Assistant Volleybal4life SCS Software employees who helped us with the 1.9 conversion and general support. Co-developers:Several 3D Models:Peter Moeller Bora Scansim Chadedala (a.k.a. RustyNail666) Claus Vendelboe Holmberg Søren H. Nicolaisen Frank Sørensen Graywolf Lars Møllebjerg Andu Birsu Fanel. Kadir Yağız HalkHoganPL Scania and Volvo trucks: Teaching Zmodeler3 to us: Several textures:Reislord stefag40 CorsicaTruck Terg500 PirriAND SabR darthstingy123 zebenji Co-Mapping:MsHeavyAlex Peter Moeller sven_engelen elitegamer0611 Czaja Desirae GrakuPL RadolSzczecin Starfruit017 Lidl/Aldi/Hofer companies: ICE german highspeed train: Beta-testing:Peter Moeller, Bora, orestescm76, Ron Ubels, MrSimsFaniFIN, nfshp253, Truckmaster, taffypride1983, Julien, Nordisch, rAs^, frazer-lowe, LA-MJ, volan123, CaptainFlint, Chris94_NOR, Fr8i, Martinus Kundla, EJAK (formerly jackspackages), Josh0, Nissantruck, jontsuba, Rudi Raser, JayCetic, Krys Emlyn, 87granny, adrian007, Arvidsson-Källqvist, Drive Safely, Elmer BeFuddled, gmtavares, Harald-RS, HighFlyerPL185, jasper, JESAN, Kobra2112, metpei, MistahDave, MYE2001, natvander, Polestar, Puncake, Punkii, RoadRageDude, RootlessAgrarian, Roro44, rudenkov vladimir, Shiva, Teppey71, Volvofahrer 26 Server maintenance: Promoting our works:Keralis Squirrel SwiftHaulage ChrisMaximus TheClumsyGeek Wujek Bohun If we missed anyone, please get in touch with us!
Support Author
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Install Mod
Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:
- Download the mod «
ProMods 2.31 [1.32.x] »
- Use
WinRAR or
7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension
.scs in
My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.