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/ ETS2 Mods » Other mods ETS 2 » Graphics - Environments » Spring Weather Mod v2.8 by Grimes (1.30.x)

Spring Weather Mod v2.8 by Grimes (1.30.x)

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Spring Weather Mod v2.8 by Grimes (1.30.x) Version game: 1.30.x Total views: 2 618
Category: Graphics - Environments
Version Game: 1.30.x
Credits: Grimes

Spring Weather Mod v2.8 by Grimes (1.30.x) for Euro Truck Simulator 2 game.


This mod simulates spring weather and environment and replaces older low-res assets with newer high-res versions.

Features mod:
- Spring weather and environment
- Spring vegetation
- Older vegetation, road, grass and field assets replaced
- Flowers added to vegetation
- Spring daylight hours
- Improved rain and wheel spray
- Appropriate temperature readings
- No harvesters

Works with Promods, TSM, RusMap, MHA and others.
Compatible with all map DLCs.

New Changes in v2.8

-Grey cloudy sky and lighting weather profiles added
-Improved grass colouring
-Some larger flower bushes replaced with smaller versions
-Improved Spring vegetation in Italy
-Violet tulip fields removed
-Wheat fields added to older parts of maps
-Some older sidewalk textures improved
-Pines re-introduced in France and Italy
-Improved OpenGL compatibility (thanks to qUattro)

Changes in v2.7

- Updated for 1.30
- Old road and field assets replaced


New Changes in v2.6

Vegetation and weather improvements

Changes in v2.5
- Updated for 1.27
- Some older vegetation types replaced with newer ones
- Older grass replaced with newer grass


 Changes in v2.4
- Updated for 1.26


Changes in v2.3
Updated for 1.25
- Vegetation improvements
- Improved sound mod compatibility

Recommended settings:
HDR: Enabled
Vegetation Detail: High
Grass Density: High


Spring is a weather and graphics mod so other weather and environmental graphics mods should be disabled.
Spring Weather should be given a HIGH priority in Mod Manager.


Tested on game version 1.30.x

Spring Weather Mod v2.8 by Grimes (1.30.x) Spring Weather Mod v2.8 by Grimes (1.30.x) Spring Weather Mod v2.8 by Grimes (1.30.x) Spring Weather Mod v2.8 by Grimes (1.30.x)

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
    ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version.
    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Spring Weather Mod v2.8 by Grimes (1.30.x)»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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  1. kumar
    • 0

    want graphics

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