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Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2

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Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2 Version game: v1.52.x Mod Updated to v2.6 Total views: 24 300
Category: Maps ETS 2
Version Game: v1.52.x
Credits: CEIBO TEAM, Pedro Navarrete, Franco Castilla, Franco Ramirez, Kaku Peralta

Mapa Ceibo (Argentina) ETS2 - this mod adds a quality standalone map mod for ETS2 players. To run you need to create a profile and select the mapaceibo.mbd module. The map includes a passenger mod for passenger transport, various roads - both huge highways and rural country roads. This mod adds new cities, towns, and landscapes to explore, including the iconic Ceibo tree that gives the map its name. Players can drive through the stunning Argentinian countryside, with its rolling hills, vineyards, and unique roadside attractions. The map also includes challenging roads and realistic traffic patterns, providing a truly immersive driving experience.

Features Mapa Ceibo (Argentina):
- Standalone map;
- Cities: Loreto, Rio Cuarto, Rosario de la Frontera and Methan;
- Many different roads and interesting interchanges;
- The map shows its own unique Argentinean traffic;
- Exclusive models for the card (brand new);
- Has own companies;
- Beautiful Bus Terminals;
- Realistic Landscape;
- Required all DLC's.

Changes in v2.6:
– Adapted to the latest game patch 1.52

Tested on game version 1.52.x

Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2 Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2 Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2 Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2 Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2 Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2 Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2 Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2 Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2

Changes in v2.5 (1.49.x):
– Adapted to the latest game patch 1.49

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Changes in v2.4.1 (1.48.x):
– Adapted to the latest game patch 1.48
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Changes in v2.3 (1.47.x):
– Adapted to the latest game patch 1.47
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Changes in v2.3 (1.46.x):
– New roads and cities;
– Various fixes.
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Changes in v2.1 (1.44.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.44;
- Correction of errors. (Bug Toll of Quilmes);
- New companies;
- Map and traffic optimization;
- New Argentine traffic;
- New traffic signals;
- Remodeling of the city Córdoba;
- Added cities: Luján, Mercedes, Suipacha, Chivilcoy, Bragado, Carlos Casares, Pehuajó, 9 de Julio, Treque Lauquen and Catriló.

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Changes in v2.0 (1.43.x):
- Error correction. (Talar terminal, Mar del Plata toll, invisible walls);
- New companies;
- Map optimization;
- Added cities and districts: Tigre, San Justo, Moreno, Moron, Merlo, Tapiales, Florencio Varela, Avellaneda, Lomas de Zamora, Villa Soldati, Flores and Liniers;
- Most important places: Central Market, Liniers terminal and Dellepiane terminal.

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Changes in v1.9 (1.43.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.43;
- The map does not bring any news.

Changes in v1.9 (1.42.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.42;
- Bug fix (Police cars);
- New companies;
- Map optimization;
- Added cities: Malvinas Argentinas, Rio Primemo, Arroyito, Pedro E. Vivas, Las Varillas, San Francisco, Santo Tome, San Lorenzo;
- Reconstructed cities: Puerto Iguazu, San Nicolas de los Arroyos, San Pedro, Baradero;
- Added route 19 from Cordoba to the city of Santa Fe;
- Route 11 has been added from Rosario to the city of Santa Fe;
- Loading port in Zarat;
- Improvements in the corners of Route 9 from Cordoba to Buenos Aires;
- Tolls across the entire map have been improved by adding an additional lane for the transportation of oversized cargo;
- In the north, the famous Iguazu Falls are laid.
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Changes in v1.8:
- Correction of bugs
- Optimization of the map
- Added cities: Alvear, Sato Tomé, Governor Virasoro, Posadas, Santa Ana, San Ignacio, Garden America, Puerto Rico, Monte Carlo, El Dorado, - Wanda and Puerto Iguaz úIguazuIguazu
- Route 14 added from route 117 (Pass of the free) to cross route
- Route 12 added from Posadas to Puerto Iguazu.
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.41
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Changes in v1.7:
- Error correction;
- added companies for trailers;
- Map optimization;
- Added cities: Zarate, Ceibas, Gualeguaychú, Concepción del Uruguay, Colón, San José, Concordia, Federación, Mocoreta, Chajarí, Monte Casero, Paso de los Libres;
- Route 12 was added from Zarate to crossing route 14;
- Route 14 was added from crossing route 12 to route 117 (Paso de los Libres);
- adapted to the latest game patch 1.40
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Changes in v1.5:
– correction of the errors
– New models.
– remodeled routes

– remodeled cities
– new cities added
– adapted to the latest game patch 1.39
Download Link 1 | Download Link 2 | Download Link 3 

Changes in v1.2:
– Optimization of models and cities.
– New models.
– Traffic of Argentine trucks (being optimized) was eliminated
– New passenger mod.
– 2 new fields added (Villa Maria, San Pedro)
– Route 9 Rosario – Buenos Aires.
– New cities added: Bell, Talar and Buenos Aires.
– New companies in Cordoba and Tucumán.  

Download Link 1 | Download Link 2 | Download Link 3 

    🔗 Support the work and effort of the author by downloading files exclusively from the official links.
    ✅ You ensure that you download an authentic and safe version.
    ✅ You directly support the author to continue developing and improving the project.
    ✅ You avoid the risk of modified or infected files from unofficial sources.

Simple steps to install ETS2 Mods:

- Download the mod «Mapa Ceibo (Argentina Map) v2.6 (1.52.x) for ETS2»
- Use WinRAR or 7-zip and unzip the archive;
- Copy the file with the extension .scs in My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator/mod folder
- Start the game, go to your profile, see the Mod manager and activate the mod.

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  1. Camilo Milhomem
    • +3

    Hola, como están? una consulta: porque se crashea quando está cargando? no inicia el juego, se cierra. Y hice los pasos como se instruye.

  2. matias
    • -1


  3. admin
    • -3

    Save game for Mapa Ceibo (Argentina) by rodonitcho mods



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